12 januari 2019

Aloha Fest 3

The Chukulos + del-Toros + Aloha Sluts + Terrorsaurs + Akulas + Hicadoolas
Open 20:00 / Aanvang 20:30
Voorverkoop 12 euro

An evening of surf music & culture, part III
Six of the best European surf bands, plus a mini market with tiki art & fashion (Greaser & the Doll), surf record store (Surfin’s Back Again) and barber shop (Bigsby).

del-Toros (NL) – 23:30 – main stage
Imagine Kyuss playing Dick Dale songs! Stonersurf! It got them a splitsingle with Californian stonerlegends Fatso Jetson. On their latest album they collaborate with Peter te Bos (Claw Boys Claw) and sax-player Bertus Borgers!

The Chukulos (Chile) – 22:50 – Aloha Stage
A Latin powersurf trio from Chile, South-America! Their current homebase is Berlin, what seems to become Europe’s surf city nr 1! They just released a spectacular new album called Deep Latin Surf Attack.

Aloha Sluts (NL) – 22:10 – main stage
The hosts of tonight had a very succesfull 2018. Imagine a surfband on festival posters with big names as Descendents, Pennywise, Mummies, Dead Kennedys and more! 666% SURFABILLY! Imagine Link Wray & the Sonics had 3 little sons who started a surf band….

Terrorsaurs (UK) – 21:30 – aloha stage
Back on popular demand! They tore up the Aloha Stage at the
first edition of Aloha Fest and left everybody breathless! Now they are back, with a new double album on the legendary US Wild Records. Swamp surf that will rock your sox off!

Akulas (B) – 21:00 – main stage
Grinding organs, guitars drenched in reverb, catchy tunes it seems like a trademark for surf bands from Gent, Belgium. Remember Fifty Foot Combo? Akulas sound like the angry little brother!

Hicadoolas (D) – 20:30 – aloha stage
For the second year in a row, a Berlin band is opening Aloha Fest. A start of a new great tradition? Hicadoolas combine old school surf instrumentals with a female singer. They just released a new EP that got raving (international) reviews!


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